
var Panaceajs = require('@medibloc/panacea-js');
var panaceajs = Panaceajs.init(['http://localhost:9921']);

The panaceajs object has following objects.

  • The client object allows you to interact with MediBloc blockchain.
  • The cryptography object contains cryptographic functions.
  • The local.Account object contains functions to generate MediBloc accounts, which contain encrypted private key and public key and can induce public key from the private key.
  • The local.transaction object contains functions to generate transaction.
  • The healthData object helps to encode and decode the health data as MHD format.
  • The identification contains identification functions.
  • The utils object provides utility functions for panaceajs.


nodes - Array: The array of node URL that will be used for the request.


The panaceajs client sends a request to one of the nodes. If the request fails, it automatically retries the request to another node.


You can test the library by running the MediBloc blockchain on a local machine as Testnet or Mainnet are not yet launched. Please refer to go-medibloc to run MediBloc blockchain on a local machine.